• Call the department 860.627.1461 and enter the extension number when prompted..
  • Send an email using the Email Prefix followed by @windsorlockspolice.com.
Title Name Email Prefix Extension
Chief of Police Eric Osanitsch eosanitsch 157
Deputy Chief Clifford Smith csmith 155
Lieutenant Paul Cherniack pcherniack 161

Detective Sergeant Jeffery Lampson jlampson 158
Detective Dan Bontempo dbontempo 159
Detective Heriberto Resto hresto 151

Sergeant Wayne Kulas wkulas 153
Sergeant Sebastian Garofalo sgarofalo 150
Sergeant James Gustafson jgustafson 114
Sergeant Shawn Barry sbarry
Sergeant Harry Garcia hgarcia 128

Officer Kenneth Precourt kprecourt 107
Officer Dawn Morini dmorini 121
Officer John Carney jcarney
Officer/ K-9 Joseph Malone jmalone 122
Officer Steve DiBella sdibella 129
Officer William Tate wtate 115
Officer Earl Baidy ebaidy 117
Officer Chick Bistany cbistany 301
Officer Todd Kozaryn Tkozaryn 126
Officer John Bremser jbremser 103
Officer Rich Boyle rboyle 130
School Resource Officer Shaun Swanson sswanson 113
Officer Marc Hughes mhughes 112
Officer Tom O’Connor toconnor 116
Officer Michael Hannaford mhannaford 120
Officer Greg Dziergowski gdziergowski 106
Officer Tom kieselback tkieselback 108

Dispatcher Scott Paluck spaluck 144
Dispatcher Larry Yohe lyohe 144
Dispatcher Glenn Bonilla gbonilla 144
Dispatcher Michael Murdock mmurdock 144
Dispatcher Brian Garrison bgarrsion 144

Administrative Asst Sharon Pfaffenbichler spfaffenbichler
Records Unit Carol Ruggiero cruggiero
Records Unit Deb Seyller dseyller
Animal Control Officer Kathy DiBacco aco
Animal Control Officer Jennifer Norton jnorton
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