- Call the department 860.627.1461 and enter the extension number when prompted..
- Send an email using the Email Prefix followed by @windsorlockspolice.com.
Title | Name | Email Prefix | Extension |
Chief of Police | Eric Osanitsch | eosanitsch | 157 |
Deputy Chief | Clifford Smith | csmith | 155 |
Lieutenant | Paul Cherniack | pcherniack | 161 |
Detective Sergeant | Jeffery Lampson | jlampson | 158 |
Detective | Dan Bontempo | dbontempo | 159 |
Detective | Heriberto Resto | hresto | 151 |
Sergeant | Wayne Kulas | wkulas | 153 |
Sergeant | Sebastian Garofalo | sgarofalo | 150 |
Sergeant | James Gustafson | jgustafson | 114 |
Sergeant | Shawn Barry | sbarry |
Sergeant | Harry Garcia | hgarcia | 128 |
Officer | Kenneth Precourt | kprecourt | 107 |
Officer | Dawn Morini | dmorini | 121 |
Officer | John Carney | jcarney |
Officer/ K-9 | Joseph Malone | jmalone | 122 |
Officer | Steve DiBella | sdibella | 129 |
Officer | William Tate | wtate | 115 |
Officer | Earl Baidy | ebaidy | 117 |
Officer | Chick Bistany | cbistany | 301 |
Officer | Todd Kozaryn | Tkozaryn | 126 |
Officer | John Bremser | jbremser | 103 |
Officer | Rich Boyle | rboyle | 130 |
School Resource Officer | Shaun Swanson | sswanson | 113 |
Officer | Marc Hughes | mhughes | 112 |
Officer | Tom O’Connor | toconnor | 116 |
Officer | Michael Hannaford | mhannaford | 120 |
Officer | Greg Dziergowski | gdziergowski | 106 |
Officer | Tom kieselback | tkieselback | 108 |
Dispatcher | Scott Paluck | spaluck | 144 |
Dispatcher | Larry Yohe | lyohe | 144 |
Dispatcher | Glenn Bonilla | gbonilla | 144 |
Dispatcher | Michael Murdock | mmurdock | 144 |
Dispatcher | Brian Garrison | bgarrsion | 144 |
Administrative Asst | Sharon Pfaffenbichler | spfaffenbichler |
Records Unit | Carol Ruggiero | cruggiero |
Records Unit | Deb Seyller | dseyller |
Animal Control Officer | Kathy DiBacco | aco |
Animal Control Officer | Jennifer Norton | jnorton |
Crime Tips Hotline | tips |