Dog Licenses

Town of Windsor Locks

State law mandates that all dogs over six months of age must be licensed in the town in which they reside and must wear the tag on a collar around their neck. All dog licenses are renewed in June to become effective July 1.

All dogs licensed in the State of Connecticut require a current rabies vaccination.

New licenses and renewals can be done in person at the Town Clerk’s Office 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 or by U.S. Mail. Please see the information below.

NEW LICENSES (U.S. Mail or in person) Puppies must be licensed by the time they turn 6 months old. New dogs must be licensed within 30 days of obtaining them. You must provide documentation from the veterinarian showing the expiration date of your dog’s rabies vaccination (not the tag). No licenses will be issued without this information. If your dog has been spayed or neutered, you must bring documentation from the veterinarian as proof (or check your rabies certificate as it might state that your dog is an “MN” (male neutered or an “FS” (female spayed). The fee for licensing an unaltered dog is $19.00. The fee for licensing a spayed or neutered dog is $8.00. Licenses not applied for within the required 30 days will be subject to a penalty of $1.00 per month.

Please provide the documentation and fee as outlined above, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you are licensing a new dog by U.S. mail, please also include your name, address, phone number, the dog’s name, age, breed and color.

RENEWALS (Through U.S. mail or in person) For renewals, if your dog’s rabies vaccination has expired since the last time you licensed your dog, you must provide documentation (tags do not qualify) from the veterinarian showing the new expiration date. No licenses will be renewed without this information. If your dog is newly spayed or neutered, you must bring documentation from the veterinarian as proof. The fee for renewing the license of an unaltered dog is $19.00. The fee for renewing the license of a spayed or neutered dog is $8.00. Licenses not renewed by June 30th are subject to a penalty of $1.00 per month. For U.S. mail or in person renewals, Please provide the documentation and fee as outlined above, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you are renewing a dog license by U.S. mail, please also include your name, address, phone number, the dog’s name, age, breed and color.

TRANSFERS FROM OTHER TOWNS WITHIN CONNECTICUT (In person) If your dog is currently licensed in one Connecticut town and you have since moved to Windsor Locks, you can transfer the dog’s license for a $1.00 fee. Also, if you acquire a dog that is already licensed by its prior owner, you may transfer that license to your name for $1.00

LOST TAGS (In person) If your dog loses its tag, a replacement can be obtained for $.50.

KENNEL LICENSES (U.S. Mail or in person) Kennel licenses are available in groups of 10 tags. The fee is $51.00. There is a late fee of $1.00 per dog.

Violation of the licensing law carries a fine to be imposed by the Animal Control Officer.

CLICK Here for link to Windsor Locks Town Clerk – Dog License Information